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Boy Scouts processing sexual abuse claims in $2.46 billion settlement

Update on your BSA Claim: 


On August 18, 2023, the Boy Scout Settlement Trust (“Trust”), the fund established to compensate survivors of sexual abuse while in the Boy Scouts of America ("BSA"), announced that it is opening its online claims processing portal to all the estimated 82,000 individuals who filed claims in the BSA bankruptcy cases. 

The announcement comes 14 days after the Trust first opened its online claims processing portal to approximately 7,000 people who selected the Expedited Distribution (or "quick pay") liquidated payout when they submitted their ballots on the BSA's plan of reorganization. The "quick pay" process gives Claimants a fixed amount of compensation while most other claims will be evaluated and valued against a matrix negotiated by the parties and approved by the Bankruptcy Court.

Opening the claims process to the remaining 75,000 survivors is the next step toward delivering compensation in accordance with the Trust Distribution Process (“TDP”) outlined in BSA's court-approved plan of reorganization.

"Survivors have waited a long time to be heard, recognized, and compensated," said the Hon. Barbara J. Houser (Ret.), the Trustee overseeing administration and distribution of the compensation fund. "Our goal is to provide a measure of justice as expeditiously as possible while treating every Claimant with compassion, respect, and fairness. Each member of the Trust team understands that our mission is to help bring closure and resolution to the claims of thousands of Survivors who have carried the burden of abuse for decades.''

When the reorganization plan was approved, the Trust's compensation fund was valued at approximately $2.5 billion. Other causes of action against third parties, such as lawsuits against insurers, may increase the size of the fund.

As part of the process, claimants or their counsel will be required to fill out a detailed claims questionnaire and provide additional information or documents to support their claim. Although speed is a priority, Houser said the Trust has a duty to treat all abuse claims consistently, with a guarantee of fairness and confidentiality.

The Trust was established as part of the BSA's Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan of reorganization, but the Trust's work was delayed by multiple appeals of confirmation of that plan. Following approval of the plan by the Bankruptcy Court and the District Court on appeal, the Trust was authorized to begin its work earlier this year – which involves maximizing the value of the assets contributed to the Trust by BSA and others, evaluating claims, and delivering compensation to Survivors with valid claims. 

There is currently no official deadline to submit a claim, however, Houser says once that information is provided survivors have 120 days from the posted deadline to submit their completed claims.   

The James Harris Law Firm is actively working with the firm’s clients to develop supporting evidence and complete the online claims processing portal so our client’s claims are presented timely and professionally.   Our steadfast goal is to see that all our clients are equitably compensated in an expeditious manner.

If you are a client of the firm, we will be contacting you in the near future.


James W. Humann, Esq.

James Harris Law, PLLC

1201 3rd Avenue, 22nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98101

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Coral Gables, FL 33134

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